Hubby had a birthday at the beginning of the week. We went out to eat at a local steakhouse. This is a fairly new restaurant and we had no idea there was karaoke there; and on the night we decided to visit.
Towards the end of our meal, my daughter decided to serenade her dad by singing Happy Birthday to him in front of everyone! He was quite touched (I may have cried a little too ;-) ). It was the perfect ending to a birthday, if you asked me.
My favorite author died this week. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I discovered his most famous book One Hundred Years of Solitude as a teenager. My sister had to read it for school and I decided I wanted to read it too. I was immediately drawn into the life of the Buendias and the town of Macondo. I was captivated by the sounds and hardships of the jungle, and the melancholy of the protagonists in the story. I was hooked for life.
I've read many more of his books; both in our native tongue; and also in English. I'm pretty certain I've read One Hundred Years at least five times in the span of my life in both languages. I am not sure what drew me to his work; but I know the world has lost a literary giant.
We had a chance to visit with some of our homeschool group. So thankful for these families! They have been so supportive of our journey; and they may not know how grateful I am for this group.
I have narrowed down the curriculum we are using for my oldest who will be starting 7th grade. The more I research, the more confused I get with the multiple choices. I have finally decided to use R.E.A.L Science Odyssey Biology 2. I like the lab components; science without labs is just reading, in my opinion.
Also going to use Brave Writer to get her writing jump started again this year. I like what I've read so far, and I think it will work for both of us.
Spelling Power will be our spelling curriculum; gotta get those kids spelling right!
Still making decisions on other curriculum but we are getting there!